Drama Adventure
Thrown together under incredible circumstances, two strangers must discover courage and strength when they begin a journey across the treacherous African desert! Equipped only with their wits and the expertise of a native bushman who befriends them, they are determined to triumph over impossible odds and reach their destination. But along the way, the trio face a primitive desert wilderness.
Directed by
Mikael Salomon
Reese Witherspoon
Nonnie Parker
Ethan Embry
Harry Winslow
Robert John Burke
Paul Parker
Miles Anderson
Maximilian Schell
Col. Mopani Theron
Jack Thompson
John Ricketts
Patricia Kalember
Elizabeth Parker
Daniel Gerroll
John Winslow
Sebastian Klein
Child on Sand Dune
Sarel Bok
Fidelis Cheza
Taffy Chihota
Warden Robert
Anthony Chinyanga
Brian Cooper
Store Keeper
Magdalene Damas
John Indi
Bertha Msora
Japan Mthembu
Charles Pillai
Mr. Tang
Kessia Embry
Child on Sand Dune
Andrew Whaley
Warden Gerald
Simon Shumba
Anthony Martin
Peter Spyropoulos
Paul Tingay
Philip Notununu
Ernest Mbanzi

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