Drama Romance
A horse with great potential is reluctantly sold by the breeder and by chance passes through multiple hands who do not treat him well.
Directed by
Charles Brabin
Clark Gable
Warren 'Rid' Riddell
Edward Brophy
Newsreel Cameraman (uncredited)
John Larkin
Uncle Ben
Madge Evans
Miss 'Missy' Ruby
Hallam Cooley
Bill Ludeking
Ernest Torrence
Mr. Jim Rellence
Sidney Bracey
The Tout (uncredited)
Marie Prevost
Angela 'Angie' Ludeking
J. Farrell MacDonald
Lew Cody
Tip Scanlon
Eugene Jackson
Sam 'Sammy'
Tenen Holtz
Gus, Bald Gambling Mobster (uncredited)
James Donlan
Jim, a Trainer (uncredited)
Tommy Boy
Himself, a Horse

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