Animation Romance Sci-Fi Comedy
Ikaros is an Angeloid and falls out of the sky. Tomoki Sakurai is a boy who believes the most important thing is to live a peaceful life. The two live tougher. Tomoki Sakurai has never seen Ikaros smile. Tomoki Sakurai sees Nymph and Astraea laugh after they got free from the master’s rule. He hopes Ikaros can laugh like an ordinary girl. This movie wraps up the story of Tomoki Sakurai and his relationship with the Angeloid from the sky, Ikaros.
Directed by
Hisashi Saito
Written by
Suu Minazuki
Saori Hayami
Aki Toyosaki
Kaori Fukuhara
Astrea (voice)
Yoko Hikasa
Kazane Hiyori
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Sugata Eishirou
Ayahi Takagaki
Satsukitane Mikako
Soichiro Hoshi
Sakurai Tomoki (voice)
Asuka Ohgame
Daedalus (voice)
Iori Nomizu
Mitsuki Sohara

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