Action Crime Thriller
Master burglar Max Hopper is released early after three years and soon gets an exceptional job: stealing an advanced computer-chip from the IQ Industries headquarters. His first attempt fails; when he enters in cop uniform during an emergency board meeting, a fire quickly spreads- he considers it a godsend opportunity and stays, but soon has his hands too full saving other lives and just surviving to concentrate on the chip; only the owner, his wife who just filed for divorce and a few employees remain, but it soon turns out one of them stole company secrets but the arsonist and/or another chip-thieves are among them.
Directed by
Harris Done
Written by
Richard Preston Jr.
Dean Cain
Jack / Max Hooper
Lori Petty
Vanessa Angel
Beth Hooper
Mel Harris
Cordella Calloway
Richard Tyson
Paul Brody
Lisa London
Dale Godboldo
John O'Hurley
Richard Mecks
Jim Storm
Jack Calloway
Harry Van Gorkum
Elena Sahagun
Caitlin Parks
Steve Williams
Firefighter Chief Sheehan

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