Comedy Drama
There is a big charity function at the house of Mrs. Cheyney and a lot of society is present. With her rich husband, deceased, rich old Lord Elton and playboy Lord Arthur Dilling are both very interested in the mysterious Fay. Invited to the house of Mrs. Webley, Fay is again the center of attention for Arthur and Elton with her leaning towards stuffy old Elton. When Arthur sees Charles, Fay's Butler, lurking in the gardens, he remembers that Charles was a thief caught in Monte Carlo and he figures that Fay may be more interested in the pearls of Mrs. Webley, which she is. After Fay takes the pearls, but before she can toss them out the window, she is caught by Arthur who is very disappointed in how things are turning out.
Directed by
Sidney Franklin
Written by
Hanns Kräly
Basil Rathbone
Lord Arthur Dilling
Cyril Chadwick
Willie Wynton
Hedda Hopper
Lady Maria
Norma Shearer
Fay Cheyney
George Barraud
Maude Turner Gordon
Mrs. Webley
Herbert Bunston
Lord Elton
George K. Arthur
Moon Carroll
Madeline Seymour
Mrs. Wynton
Frank Finch Smiles

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