Drama Thriller
Raju (Skanda or Suraj), Winnie (Vani Kishore), Udhayan (Manikuttan) and Cherry (Ramesh Pisharody) who are close friends forms a music troupe. In the meantime, Raju starts an affair with a young girl named Jyothi (Ananya). But one day jyothi left hostel without telling anything to Raju. Winne's parents try to get her married off to a Police Officer named Aniyan (Jayasurya). Even though this marriage doesn't takes place, something drastic happens. They now has to face Aniyan, who confronts them as a police officer.
Directed by
V. K. Prakash
Written by
S. N. Swamy
Ramesh Pisharody
Jagathy Sreekumar
Bindu Panicker
T G Ravi

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