Comedy Romance
A nerd gains the friendship of two of his frat brothers when his dad offers them his condo for the week in Palm Springs, and also offers the fraternity a hot tub and jacuzzi if they can help his son find a girl. They meet two guys from a rival fraternity, and make a bet on who can nail the Designated Babe first.
Directed by
James Frawley
Written by
Lindsay Harrison
Tim Robbins
Larry "Mother" Tucker
Matt McCoy
J.C. Springer
John Vernon
Chief Ferret
Stephen Geoffreys
Wendell Tvedt
Julie Payne
Naomi Tvedt
Kathleen Kinmont
Britt Ekland
Sheree J. Wilson
Ashley Taylor
Max Wright
Millard Tvedt
Barbara Crampton
Nita Talbot
Mrs. Ferret
Leigh McCloskey
Charles 'Chas' Lawlor III
Cameron Dye
Joe Gillespie
Charles Rocket
Madman Mac
Franklyn Ajaye

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