Crime Drama Mystery Romance
The wealthy Tombsthays hire a guitar tutor, David Aurphet, for their daughter Vivian. The wife, Julia, begins a passionate affair with David. Edwige, Julia's new neighbour, also takes an interest in David. David is attacked one night on returning home but saved by a mysterious stranger Daniel who reveals himself to be a hired killer. David begins to suspect that his affair is no longer secret.
Directed by
Michel Deville
Written by
Michel Deville, Rosalinde Deville
Michel Piccoli
Graham Tombsthay
Nicole Garcia
Julia Tombsthay
Élisabeth Vitali
Richard Bohringer
Daniel Forest
Christophe Malavoy
David Aurphet
Anaïs Jeanneret
Vivianne Tombsthay
Franck de la Personne
Guitar dealer
Edwige Ledieu
Hélène Roussel
Jean-Claude Jay

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