Action Comedy
Gan and his girlfriend Ai are mild-mannered toy shop owners by day but, when evil lurks, they transform into superheroes Yatterman 1 & 2. With the help of a dog-shaped robot, Yatterwoof, they take on the Doronbow gang, lead by the sexy Lady Doronjo. Together, they must stop the evil gang from finding the four magical skull pieces that will allow them to control the world!
Directed by
Takashi Miike
Written by
Kohei Kiyasu, Midori Sato, Eisuke Naito
Kyoko Fukada
Koichi Yamadera
Yatterwoof / Yatterking / Odate-Buta / Narrator (voice)
Sadawo Abe
Dr. Kaieda
Saki Fukuda
Sho Sakurai
Gan Takada
Namase Katsuhisa
Ayumu Saito
Anri Okamoto
Shoko Kaieda
Miyu Uehara
Shin'ichi Hatori
Kendô Kobayashi
Shingo Ippongi

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