Action Romance Drama Comedy
Dev is a high school drop out from and a worthless village lad. He is hell bent on getting married. But the girl he wants to marry rejects him stating that he doesn't have college education. Dev, who is clever and street-smart decides to go to Kolkata for further education. While travelling in the train, he bashes up a bunch of rowdies teasing college girls. At the college in Kolkata, he meets Riya (and falls in love with her. A city gangster, Rudra,is in love with her and blackmails her to marry him. He beats anyone moving closely with Riya. Meanwhile, henchmen of the dreaded chieftain Dubai Keshto, from Dubai, are looking for Dev in the city.
Directed by
Sujit Mondal
Kharaj Mukherjee
Lord Shiva
Koel Mallick
Tota Roy Chowdhury
Biswanath Basu
Biswajit Chakraborty
Rajatabha Dutta
Mousumi Saha
Rimjhim Mitra
Prodip Dhar
Bharat Kaul
Kunal Padhi

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