Crime Drama Romance
Dina (Maria Santiago) is a teenager brought up by her grandmother, employed as a housekeeper for a fairly well-off family. Since Dina only has her grandmother, she spends her time fantasizing about her life and reading comic-book love stories -- activities that do nothing to improve her dim perspective of reality. Due to these handicaps and her own inexperience, she gets involved with Django (Luis Lucas), a shady character who decides to use her as bait to attract men and then rob them. One day when both are in a taxi with robbery in mind, the driver gets suspicious so Django shoots him, and so does Dina. She escapes and runs away -- though it seems like she has learned too little too late. This story unfolds against a time of upheaval in Portugal (mid-1970s) when the military government is formulating a constitution and social changes are happening everywhere.
Directed by
Solveig Nordlund
Written by
Solveig Nordlund, Luiza Neto Jorge
Canto e Castro
Man in the Bus
Marcello Urgeghe
Young Man at the Bar
Manuela de Freitas
Dina's Boss
Margarida Carpinteiro
Dina's Teacher
João Perry
The Bosses' Friend
Ruy Furtado
Luís Lucas
António Montez
Taxi Driver
Sinde Filipe
Dina's Boss
María Santiago
Manuela Fernandes
Dina's Friend
Geny Frias
Pawnbroker's Wife
Benvinda Bento
Ana - Dina's Grandmother
Tony Morgon
Panther - Bar Owner
Dalton Salem Assef
Francisco Silva
Dolores Teixeira Fonseca
João Carlos
Boss's Child
Carlos de Sousa
António Pavão
António Espírito Santo
Ilídio Godinho Ribeiro
Man in the Car
Joaquim Furtado
Narrator (voice)

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