Comedy Music Romance
When the Lemon Drop Kid accidentally cheats gangster Moose Moran out of his track winnings, the Kid promises to repay Moose the money by Christmas. Creating a fake charity for "Apple Annie" Nellie Thursday, the Kid tricks his gang into donning Santa suits and "collecting dough for old dolls" like Nellie who have nowhere to live.
Directed by
Sidney Lanfield
Bob Hope
Sidney Melbourne (The Lemon Drop Kid)
Jack Kruschen
Muscleman (uncredited)
Harry Bellaver
Sam the Surgeon
Sid Melton
Little Louie
John Doucette
Muscleman (uncredited)
Lloyd Nolan
Oxford Charley
Jay C. Flippen
Straight Flush Tony
Marilyn Maxwell
'Brainey' Baxter
Fred Clark
Moose Moran
Jane Darwell
'Nellie Thursday' Regan
Tom Dugan
No Thumbs Charlie
William Frawley
Gloomy Willie
Mary Murphy
Girl (uncredited)
Billie Bird
Racetrack Bettor on Iron Bar (uncredited)
Anthony Warde
Thoughtful Man (uncredited)
Andrea King
Harry Shannon
John (Policeman)
Stanley Andrews
Judge Wilkinson (uncredited)
Francis Pierlot
Henry Regan
Ben Welden
Singing Solly
Pat Flaherty
Police Captain Swain (uncredited)
Oliver Blake
Racetrack Bettor on Iron Bar (uncredited)
Ida Moore
Mrs. Feeney - The Bird Lady
Tor Johnson
Super Swedish Angel (Wrestler)
Charles Cooley
Salvatore De Lorenzo
Street-corner Santa Claus
Bernard Szold
Honest Harry
Charmienne Harker
Dancer (uncredited)
Mary Moder
Holly Seller (uncredited)
Bruce Riley
Clerk (uncredited)

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