Animation Drama Comedy Fantasy
Laughter and Grief by the White Sea is a 1987 Soviet traditionally animated feature film directed by Leonid Nosyrev made at the Soyuzmultfilm studio. The film is a celebration of the culture of the Russian Pomors who live around the White Sea.
Directed by
Leonid Nosyrev
Anna Kamenkova
Snake Skarapeya (voice)
Tatyana Vasileva
Princess Ulyanka (voice)
Boris Novikov
Peasant (voice)
Klara Rumyanova
Dog Zhuzha (voice)
Evgeni Leonov
Grandad Senya [narrator] (voice)
Mariya Vinogradova
Ivan's Mother / Cat Mashka (voice)
Yuri Volyntsev
Ivan (voice)
Anatoliy Barantsev
Tsar / Perepeliha's husband (voice)
Kira Smirnova
Tsarina Maremmana / Sawess [Perepeliha] (voice)

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