Comedy Family Animation Adventure Fantasy
An adorable candy-loving mutt goes on a mission to save the world.
Directed by
Jean Duval, Frank Passingham, Dave Borthwick
Written by
Butch Hartman, Cory Edwards, Paul Bassett, Tad Safran
Ian McKellen
Zebedee (voice)
John Krasinski
Additional voices (voice)
Whoopi Goldberg
Ermintrude (voice)
William H. Macy
Brian (voice)
Bill Hader
Soldier Sam (voice)
Judi Dench
Narrator (voice)
Chevy Chase
Train (voice)
Jimmy Fallon
Dylan (voice)
Jon Stewart
Zeebad (voice)
Kylie Minogue
Florence (voice)
Cory Edwards
Additional Voices (voice)
Daniel Tay
Doogal (voice)

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