Comedy Romance
Ellen is a free spirited young woman in love with Doug. Sadly he must leave America for a two year job in Belgium. Ellen and Doug decide to spend their last weekend together in a tourist cabin at a rural lake. Her family is shocked that a young unmarried woman would engage in such amoral activity. The comic plot develops as Ellen argues her case for women's freedom and independence, trying to win over her mother, grandmother, and other dubious relatives.
Directed by
William Keighley
George Tobias
Dock Worker
Clem Bevans
Henry - Baggage Man
Vera Lewis
Mrs. Dibble
Priscilla Lane
Ellen Murray
Roland Young
Titus Jaywood
Ian Hunter
Lewis Murray
Fay Bainter
Ann Murray
Grace Hayle
Dibble's Customer
Jeffrey Lynn
Douglas Hall
Robert Homans
Sergeant Murphy
Genevieve Tobin
Connie Nevins
Edward Gargan
Police Officer
May Robson
'Granny' Whitman
John J. Richardson
Husband Leaving Train
John Harron
Belga Line Steward
Spencer Charters
Angus Dibble
Lottie Williams
Loia Cheaney
Woman on Train

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