Adventure Fantasy Action Thriller
Darren Shan is a regular teenage kid. He and his friend Steve find out about a Freak Show coming to town and work hard at trying to find tickets. They do, and together they go to "Cirque du Freak" where they see many strange acts including a wolf-man and a bearded lady
Directed by
Paul Weitz
Ray Stevenson
Colleen Camp
Mrs. Shan
Willem Dafoe
Gavner Purl
Salma Hayek Pinault
Madame Truska
Josh Hutcherson
Ken Watanabe
Mr. Tall
Jane Krakowski
Corma Limbs
Kristen Schaal
Gertha Teeth
Frankie Faison
Rhamus Twobellies
Orlando Jones
Alexander Ribs
John C. Reilly
Larten Crepsley
Don McManus
Mr. Shan
Morgan Saylor
Patrick Fugit
Evra the Snake Boy
Patrick Breen
Mr. Kersey
Chris Massoglia
Darren Shan
Sam Medina
Madame Truska's Man (uncredited)
Michael Cerveris
Mr. Tiny
Brandon Molale
Vampaneze (uncredited)
Jessica Carlson
Lo Graham
Student in Hallway and Classroom
Daniel Newman
Tom Woodruff Jr.
Cody Klop
Trey Burvant
Singing Dad
Drew Rin Varick
Loaf Head
Beau Holden
Gino Galento
Madame Truska's Man (uncredited)
Courtney Pledger

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