Drama Mystery Romance War
A film set in the Basque region, beginning in the Carlist war of 1875 and ending during the Spanish Civil war of 1936. The film portrays how one single act of cowardice shapes the life of the next three generations of two families and fuels the intense rivalry which will span the next sixty-one years.
Directed by
Julio Medem
Ana Torrent
Patxi Santamaría
Journalist 1
Emma Suárez
Carmelo Gómez
Manuel / Ignacio / Peru
Ramón Barea
Kandido Uranga
Carmelo / Juan
Karra Elejalde
Ilegorri / Lucas
Txema Blasco
Aitor Mazo
Soldier 1
Pilar Bardem
José Ramón Soroiz
Journalist 2
Klara Badiola
Miguel Ángel García
Peru as a Child
Ane Sánchez
Cristina as a Child
Magdalena Mikolajczyk
Older Daughter as a Child
Enara Azkue
Middle Daughter as a Child
Ortzi Balda
Ilegorri as a Child / Lucas as a Child
Xavier Aldanondo
Soldier 2
Carlos Zabala
Antxon Echeverria
Carlista 1
Alberto Arizaga
Carlista 2
Niko Lizeaga
Carlista 3
Javier Zulueta
Ángel Plana

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