Comedy Romance
Military men Rock Reilly and Eddie Devane are tasked with taking a prisoner, blonde bombshell Toni Johnson, on what becomes an unforgettable road trip. Toni, an enlistee who's in trouble for deserting her unit, soon proves that she's craftier than most inmates.
Directed by
Dennis Hopper
Erika Eleniak
Toni Johnson
Crispin Glover
Howard Finster
Tom Berenger
Rock Reilly
Gary Busey
Sergeant Vince Banger
Bitty Schram
Flo, Waitress
Dean Stockwell
Salesman Stig
Marilu Henner
Katie, Waitress
Dwight Yoakam
William McNamara
Eddie Devane
Kenny Endoso
Matthew Glave
Rory Blanes
Bob Minor
Dennis Hopper
Seymour Cassel
Master Chief Bogg
Scott Marlowe
Fast Food Clown
Frederic Forrest
Duane, Mechanic
Grand L. Bush
Vance Dooly
Jim Grimshaw
Chief Yarboro
Eddy Donno
Dean Mumford

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