Comedy Crime Drama
Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.
Directed by
George B. Seitz
Don Brodie
Reporter (uncredited)
James Flavin
Mac - Policeman (uncredited)
Brooks Benedict
Casino Manager in Nightclub (uncredited)
Eddie Kane
Nightclub Headwaiter (uncredited)
Joel McCrea
Charles Lane
Defense Attorney Herman (uncredited)
Stanley Andrews
Jury Foreman (uncredited)
Lewis Stone
District Attorney
Louis Calhern
Carl Stockdale
Court Clerk Reading Verdict (uncredited)
Maureen O'Sullivan
John Dilson
Juror Talking to Mike (uncredited)
Erville Alderson
Adrienne Ames
Edgar Kennedy
Michael Mark
Smiley's Henchman (uncredited)
Howard Hickman
Dr. Griffith (uncredited)
Ivan Miller
First State Trooper (uncredited)
Al Hill
Smiley's Henchman (uncredited)
Edward Norris
Man on Phone at Party (uncredited)
Gayne Whitman
Attorney (uncredited)
Isabelle Keith
Telephone Operator (uncredited)
Gertrude Short
Frank Sheridan
Judge at Baxter's Proceedings (uncredited)
Lee Phelps
Detective Charlie Beale (uncredited)
Dave O'Brien
Steve - Tap Dancer at Baxter's Party (uncredited)
Charles Trowbridge
Assistant District Attorney (uncredited)
Barry Norton
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Noel Madison
Joe Metz
Harry Strang
Police Dispatcher (uncredited)
Boyd Irwin
Judge at Ann's Trial (uncredited)
William B. Davidson
Billy Dooley
Mr. Sneider - Bumped by Ann (uncredited)
Jack Rice
Man Walking With Cane in Hotel (uncredited)
Ralf Harolde
Monk Shelby (uncredited)
John Kelly
Truck Driver Hitting Police Car (uncredited)
Tom McGuire
Court Officer (uncredited)
Harry C. Bradley
Third Juror Talking to Mike (uncredited)
Phil Tead
Second Juror Talking to Mike (uncredited)
Clay Clement
Smiley's Henchman (uncredited)
Sam McDaniel
Oscar - Show Boat Washroom Attendant (uncredited)
Frank O'Connor
Policeman (uncredited)
Harry McCoy
Businessman (uncredited)
Sayre Dearing
Party Guest (uncredited)
Arthur Housman
Art - Waiter at Party (uncredited)
James P. Burtis
Second State Trooper (uncredited)
Granville Bates
Robert Greig
Hector V. Sarno
Juror in Backgound of Jury Room (uncredited)
Richard Powell
Ernie Alexander
Steve - Man Bringing Newspapers (uncredited)
Margaret Bloodgood
Matron With Ann (uncredited)
Eddie Hart
Andy - Smiley's Henchman (uncredited)
Charles Marsh
Reporter (uncredited)
Bert Moorhouse
Reporter (uncredited)
Bob Murphy
Mike - Dissenting Juror (uncredited)
Paul Parry
Minor Role (uncredited)
Dick Rush
Detective (uncredited)

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