Drama Romance
Raised by Natalie Brennan, a flamboyant and irresponsible mother, Ziggy Brennan gets involved in hustling men at a young age. She hangs around with a wild crowd and learns gets her "street smarts" first from her mother, who wants everyone to think they are sisters, and then from Denny Reagan, an older man. He starts teaching her his tricks of the trade and she falls right in line with his crooked ways. Then one night she meets Martin J. 'Mart' Neilson, a tall, handsome, honest farmer boy who's a sailor and they fall in love. While he's away fighting the war, she discovers she's pregnant.
Directed by
Alfred Santell
Keith Richards
Escort (uncredited)
June Duprez
Natalie Brennan
Paul Harvey
Judge (uncredited)
Frank Jenks
Joe, the Cabbie
Mona Freeman
Ziggy Brennan
James Dunn
Denny Reagan
Rosalind Ivan
Mrs. Merryman, the Nosey Landlady
Myron Healey
Party Guest (uncredited)
Stanley Blystone
Party Guest (uncredited)
James Kirkwood
John Van Derwin (uncredited)
Mary Newton
Probation Officer (uncredited)
Sarah Padden
Mrs. Graves, the Nice Landlady
Arthur Space
Mr. Krasman (uncredited)
Lester Dorr
Apartment House Clerk (uncredited)
Earle Hodgins
Street Car Conductor (uncredited)
Linda Stirling
Fay Helm
Helen, Ziggy's Neighbor
Peter Leeds
Bergie (uncredited)
Bert Stevens
Diner at Chinese Restaurant
Louis Jean Heydt
Hefflin (uncredited)
Lucien Littlefield
The Florist
Helen Brown
Olivette's Mother (uncredited)
Dorothy Granger
Party Guest (uncredited)
Lyle Latell
Party Guest (uncredited)
Jean Stevens
Dottie, Natalie's Friend
Chester Clute
Man in Night Club with Quarter
Dorothy Vaughan
Mrs. Reagan, Denny's Mother
Joan Blair
Natalie's Friend (uncredited)
Charles Arnt
Fred, Natalie's 2nd Husband
Ralph Sanford
Fatso (uncredited)
Beatrice Gray
Saleswoman (uncredited)
Tommy Ryan
Olivette's Boyfriend (uncredited)
Charles Quigley
Detective (uncredited)
Marion Martin
Marion, Natalie's Girl Friend (as Marian Martin)
William Marshall
CPO Martin J. 'Mart' Neilson
Eva Novak
Miss Novak - Elderly Woman (uncredited)
Charles Sullivan
Boss Upholsterer (uncredited)
Harry Depp
Photographer (uncredited)
Josephine Whittell
Mrs. Van Derwin (uncredited)
Fred Santley
Florist (uncredited)
Cay Forester
Jailbird (uncredited)
Bill Kennedy
Arthur, Helen's Husband
Connie Leon
Miss Jane, Merryman Resident
Edythe Elliott
Miss Unity, Jane's Sister
Bert Moorhouse
Max Wagner
Moving Man (uncredited)
Brick Sullivan
Furniture Moving Man
Gordon Wynn
Tom Dillon
Father Malloy (uncredited)
Isabel Withers
Miss Pendergast (uncredited)
Ruth Robinson
Woman Deputy (uncredited)
Frances Morris
Assistant Matron (uncredited)
Barbara Jean Wong
Nightclub Singer (uncredited)
Duke Johnson
Chinese Juggler (uncredited)
Harry C. Johnson
Chinese Juggler (uncredited)
Guy Zanette
Escort (uncredited)
Daral Hudson
Escort (uncredited)
Tom Burton
Escort (uncredited)
Murray Yeats
Minister (uncredited)
Eddie Hart
Helper (uncredited)
Joy Gwynell
Crying Girl (uncredited)
Walden Boyle
Assistant District Attorney (uncredited)
Spencer Chan
Chinese Headwaiter (uncredited)
Bebe Allen
Teenager (uncredited)
Ben Erway
Townsman (uncredited)
Torchy Rand
Girl (uncredited)
Barbara Bettinger
School Girl (uncredited)
Charles Flynn
Detective (uncredited)

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