Thriller Animation Action Crime
Batman works desperately to find a bomb planted by the Joker while Amanda Waller sends her newly-formed Suicide Squad to break into Arkham Asylum and recover vital information stolen by the Riddler.
Directed by
Ethan Spaulding, Jay Oliva
Written by
Heath Corson
Giancarlo Esposito
Black Spider / Eric Needham (voice)
Neal McDonough
Deadshot / Floyd Lawton (voice)
John DiMaggio
King Shark / Nanaue / Bane (voice)
CCH Pounder
Amanda Waller (voice)
Matthew Gray Gubler
The Riddler / Edward Nigma (voice)
Troy Baker
The Joker (voice)
Hynden Walch
Harley Quinn / Harleen Quinzel (voice)
Nolan North
The Penguin / Oswald Cobblepot / KGBeast / Anatoli Knyazev (voice)
Martin Jarvis
Alfred Pennyworth (voice)
Kevin Conroy
Batman / Bruce Wayne (voice)
Jennifer Hale
Killer Frost / Louise Lincoln (voice)
Christian Lanz
Scarecrow / Dr. Jonathan Crane / Victor Zsasz (voice)
Mick Wingert
Joker Security Guy (voice)
Greg Ellis
Captain Boomerang (voice)
Eric Bauza
Security Guy (voice)
Travis Willingham
Morgue Guy / Penguin Thug (voice)
Chris Cox
G.C.P.D. Commissioner James Gordon (voice)
Peter Jessop
Watch Commander (voice)
Christopher Lee Parson
Stout Guard (voice)

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