Crime Drama Romance
When two showgirls decide to leave South America and head for home, they sweet talk the purser of a clipper ship into giving them berths. In the course of the voyage, a band of thieves attempts to take over the ship and make off with its cash cargo. The heroic purser has other ideas and weighs in to save the day.
Directed by
William Beaudine
Don Brodie
Anderson - Co-Pilot (uncredited)
Jack Mulhall
Jim Halsey
Frank Hagney
Butch - the Bouncer (uncredited)
Kenneth Harlan
Capt. Hank MacFarland
Loretta Russell
Mrs. Pettingill
Julie Duncan
Ann Howard
Paul Bryar
Desser - Henchman
Blanca Vischer
Señorita Maria (uncredited)
Ralph Byrd
Tony Bronson
Paul Ellis
Henchman (uncredited)
Harry Depp
Crouse - Small Male Passenger
Carol Hughes
Peggy Morton
I. Stanford Jolley
Rick Vallin
Stevens - Radioman
Richard Clarke
Ryan - Henchman
Johnstone White
Madden - Valet / Henchman
Thornton Edwards
Don Forrest
Navigator Williams
Lita Cortez
Señorita Paquita (uncredited)
Rod De Medici
Minor Role (uncredited)
Elias Gamboa
Cantina Patron (uncredited)
Jack Hendricks
Henchman (uncredited)
José Luis Pérez
José - Hotel Bellboy (uncredited)
José Luis Tortosa
Minor Role (uncredited)

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