Comedy Romance
Kelly Lofton is a young, successful dentist who has all the material things a woman could ask for. However, Kelly has struggled to find time for love in her busy schedule, so when her younger sister Susan gets engaged to a seemingly perfect man and organizes an extravagant engagement party, Kelly panics. She hires a gorgeous actor for the weekend to accompany her to the party. Her ruse quickly develops into something real and Kelly realizes the only thing missing in her life is love.
Directed by
Dan Garcia
Lynn Whitfield
Harriett Lofton
Shari Headley
Essence Atkins
Kelly Lofton
La'Myia Good
Glynn Turman
David Lofton
Christian Keyes
Joe Torry
B. Smooth
Chico Benymon
Russell Lofton
Ameer Baraka
Jeff (uncredited)
Denyce Lawton
Susan Lofton
Reign Morton
David Terrell
DH Lewis
Lady on Plane
Sasha Van Duyn
Trina Washington
Church Lady
Julia Derrick
Church Lady
Christian Keyes Jr.
Airplane Passenger
Marquel Guerson
Airplane Passenger
Sydnee Simone
Club Goer
Orange Calderon
Club Goer
Lelle Dyner
Club Goer
Jelani Bee
Club Goer
Wendy Wiltz
Engagement Party Attendee (uncredited)

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