Animation Action Fantasy
Bayonetta is an ancient witch who awakens from a five hundred-year slumber with no memory of her life. Armed with a gun in each limb, she embarks on a journey to rediscover her past, defeating all bloodthirsty angels that stand in her way.
Directed by
Fuminori Kizaki
Written by
Mitsutaka Hirota
Miyuki Sawashiro
Cereza (voice)
Atsuko Tanaka
Bayonetta (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Luka Redgrave (voice)
Itaru Yamamoto
Temperantia, Cardinal Virtues of Temperance (voice)
Tessyo Genda
Rodin (voice)
Yasushi Miyabayashi
Antonio Redgrave (voice)
Norio Wakamoto
Father Balder (voice)
Takahiro Fujiwara
Fortitudo, Cardinal Virtues of Courage (voice)
Wataru Takagi
Enzo (voice)
Yoku Shioya
Mie Sonozaki
Jeanne (voice)
Reiko Suzuki
Umbran Elder (voice)

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