Adventure Drama
Wallaby Jim and his men have just found a valuable source of pearls in the South Pacific. But Jim's associate Norman has put the whole operation in jeopardy because of his gambling problem. Jim's unscrupulous rival Richter decides to exploit the situation by jumping Jim's claim and trying to take over for himself.
Directed by
Charles Lamont
Kenneth Harlan
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Wilson Benge
Macklin - Raihoa Saloon Owner
Juan Torena
Pascal the Thief
Mamo Clark
Warner Richmond
Karl Haage, Richter Henchman
Syd Saylor
Jake, Kestrel Crew
Edward Gargan
[scenes deleted]
George Houston
Wallaby Jim
Colin Campbell
Limey, Kestrel Crew
Wilhelm von Brincken
Adolph Richter, Pearl Hunter
Ruth Coleman
Allison, Norman's Girl
Chris-Pin Martin
[scenes deleted]
Douglas Walton
Norman Brooks
Nick Thompson
Michael "Joe" Corell, Richter Henchman

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