History Drama
In the early 1980s, South Korea is torn by student protests over the lack of representation in the government. Song Woo-Seok is a successful attorney in Busan specializing in tax law. His views regarding civil liberties are changed by student activist Park Jin-woo. When Jin-Woo is brutally tortured and put on trial for his activism, Woo-seok decides to defend Jin-woo as his client.
Directed by
Yang Woo-seok
Lee Jung-eun
House Owner
Song Kang-ho
Song Woo-seok
Yim Si-wan
Park Jin-woo
Lee Hang-na
Jang Soo-kyeong
Ryu Soo-young
Lee Chang-jun
Lee Sung-min
Lee Yoon-taek
Sim Hee-seop
Medical Officer
Oh Dal-su
Park Dong-ho
Song Young-chang
Lee Seok-ju
Kim Yeong-ae
Choi Sun-ae
Jo Min-ki
Kang Byeong-chul
Cha Kwang-soo
Park Byeong-ho
Kwak Do-won
Cha Dong-yeong
Park Soo-young
Um Tae-nam
Yoo Ha-bok
Jang Liu
Night Student
Lee Jin-hee
Door-to-door Sales
Han Gi-joong
Lee Heung-gi
Jung Won-joong
Kim Sang-pil
Cho Wan-ki
Shin An-jin
Busan Lawyer
Seol Chang-hee
Jeong Joon-won
Jeon Kwang-jin
Law Enforcement Officer
Choi Jeong-hyun
Cha Eun-Jae
Miss Moon

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