Animation Comedy Drama
A tale of friendship between two unlikely pen pals: Mary, a lonely, eight-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Melbourne, and Max, a forty-four-year old, severely obese man living in New York.
Directed by
Adam Elliot
Written by
Adam Elliot
Toni Collette
Mary (voice)
Eric Bana
Damien (voice)
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Max (voice)
Barry Humphries
Narrator (voice)
Paul Fitzgerald
Christopher Massey
911 Operator / Ambulance Voice / Derisive Observer (voice)
Bethany Whitmore
Young Mary (voice)
John Flaus
Harvey Krumpet / Ken / Len Hislop (voice)
Trudy Hellier
Kellie Jones
Renée Geyer
Vera Lorraine Dinkle (voice)
Leanne Smith
Overeaters Anonymous Tutor / Post Office Customer (voice)
Carolyn Shakespeare-Allen
New York Callgirl / New Yorker One (voice)
Andrew Fitzpatrick
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum
Homeless Man (voice)
Thomas Lauderdale
Julie Forsyth
Bus Stop Mother / Kissing Woman (voice)
Oliver Marks
Alleyway Bully 1 (voice)
Daisy Kocher
Alleyway Bully 2 /Injury Girl /Bus Stop Girl / Katherine (voice)
Daniel Marks
Alleyway Bully 3 (voice)
Hamish Hughes
Animals / Mad Jury Member / Opera Singer Two (voice)
Dan Doherty
BMX Bandit (voice)
Mandy Mao
Cher the Chihuahua / Sonny the Chihuahua (voice)
Shaun Patten
Frankston Icebreaker Two (voice)
Chris Wallace
Lottery Caller / New Yorker Two (voice)
Marlee Bevan
Mary's Baby (voice)
Alf Klimek
New Yorker Three (voice)
Antoinette Halloran
Opera Singer (voice)
Athanasios Kourtidis
Wedding Reception Guest (voice)
Yorgos Kourtidis
Wedding Reception Guest (voice)
William Larsen
Gabrielle Parker
Jamie Peterson
Robert Styles
Jeanette Taylor
Benjamin Webster

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