Action History TV Movie
The ronin, Sako Kanbei has to rescue the beautiful Princess Tsubaki from danger while young samurai of the Numata Clan stand up against their corrupt Chief Retainer and evil clan mistress. Kanbei wants to develop his swordsmanship only for himself, he finds that he has been implicated in a crime and must fight for justice in the ultimate battle to redeem his innocence. The swordplay in this film is reminiscent of the Lone Wolf and Cub series with its brutal and extended action sequences and awesome finale. A powerful motion picture about honor, love and cold steel!
Directed by
Eiichi Kudo
Seizō Fukumoto
Hideki Takahashi
Sakoi Kanbei
Isao Natsuyagi
Nakatsugawa Shumei
Shōki Fukae
Yoshiko Miyazaki
Masao Imafuku
Gō Ibuki
Fuyukichi Maki
Tadaichi Kitami

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