Action Drama Thriller
Masayuki Suzuki (Itsuji Itao) is known as "Datsugoku Oh" (King of Escape) because of his incredible ability to escape from any prison. Even though his ability to escape from prison was unmatched he would normally get caught within a few hours from his escape. He is then sent to Prison Island ... can he escape ?
Directed by
Itsuji Itao
Written by
Itsuji Itao
Houka Kinoshita
Yuichi Kimura
Kanji Tsuda
Itsuji Itao
Masayuki Suzuki
Jun Kunimura
Seiji Kanamura
Hiroyuki Miyasako
Koji Ishizaka
Kogoro Ura
Hyōe Enoki
Prison Island Prisoner
Kai Ato
Goto, Director of Shinshu Second Prison
Shoichiro Masumoto
Seiji Chihara
Prisoner 594
Matsunosuke Shofukutei
Prison Island Prisoner

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