Drama Thriller
East Berlin, shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall. Kurt Schröder and his family dig a tunnel to escape to West Berlin as they struggle to overcome the obstacles blocking their underground path to freedom.
Directed by
Robert Siodmak
Written by
Peter Berneis, Gabrielle Upton, Millard Lampell
Don Murray
Kurt Schröder
Horst Janson
Günther Jürgens
Werner Klemperer
Walter Brunner
Carl Schell
Major Eckhardt
Helma Seitz
Frau Jürgens
Ingrid van Bergen
Ingeborg Schröder
Benno Hoffmann
Anita Kupsch
Christine Kaufmann
Erika Jürgens
Kurt Waitzmann
Thomas Jürgens
Bruno Fritz
Uncle Albert
Kai Fischer
Heidi Eckhardt
Käte Jaenicke
Alfred Balthoff
Klaus Dahlen
Bruno W. Pantel
Edith Schultze-Westrum
Frau Schröder
Rudolf W. Marnitz
Arne Elsholtz
Claus Eberth
Maria Tober
Ronald Dehne
Helmut Schröder
Waltraut Runze
Christian Böttcher
Georg Richard Wenkhaus
Ute Boy
Hans Waldemar Anders

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