Drama Sci-Fi
Celebrated heart surgeon Thomas Vrain supports the research of an offbeat scientist who has invented an artificial heart. Against the advice of the Ethics Committee, Dr. Vrain decides to perform the first artificial heart transplant.
Directed by
Richard Pearce
Written by
James Salter
Donald Sutherland
Dr. Thomas Vrain
Jeff Goldblum
Dr. Aldo Gehring
Jessica Steen
Tracy Vrain
Robert Joy
David Art
Kate Trotter
Mrs. Anderson
Barbara Gordon
Wanda, Vrain's Scrub Nurse
John Marley
Edgar Fine
Mare Winningham
Carol Severance
Casey Stevens
Larry Hammond
Sharon Acker
Tilla Vrain
Michael Lerner
Henry De Vici
Richard Blackburn
Dr. Cutter
Michael C. Gwynne
Jay Wingate
Lally Cadeau
Anita, Vrain's Secretary
Allan F. Nicholls
Dr. Basil Rents
Samantha Langevin
Mrs. Clure

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