Drama Comedy
Roberto, a shy law student in Rome, meets Bruno, a forty-year-old exuberant, capricious man, who takes him for a drive through the Roman and Tuscany countries in the summer. When their journey starts to blend into their daily lives though, the pair’s newfound friendship is tested.
Directed by
Dino Risi
Catherine Spaak
Lilli Cortona
Lilly Darelli
Bikini girl with leg cast
Vittorio Gassman
Bruno Cortona
Claudio Gora
Danilo Borelli 'Bibi'
Franca Polesello
Moglie del commendatore
Annette Stroyberg
Turista tedesca
Edda Ferronao
La ragazza della valigia smarrita a Civitavecchia
Jean-Louis Trintignant
Roberto Mariani
Luciana Angiolillo
Gianna Cortona
Linda Sini
Zia Lidia
Luigi Zerbinati
Il Commendatore
Bruna Simionato
Zia Enrica
Mila Stanić
Clara, la ragazza alla stazione
Nando Angelini
John Francis Lane
Alfredo - avvocato cugino di Roberto
Jacques Stany
Automobilista toscano che picchia Bruno
Paola Gassman
Girl on the beach (uncredited)
Aldo Gianni
Young man on the rocks at the end (uncredited)

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