Drama Romance
A couple arrive by boat to a small fishing village where women dive for seafood. He is returning from a trip and he brings his latest girlfriend, a former hostess, with him. This causes jealousy with a local diver, a woman he had relationship with before he left. Meanwhile the other female divers find ways to satisfy themselves after a hard days work.
Directed by
Atsushi Fujiura
Masayoshi Nogami
Tadayoshi Iwase
Hiroko Fuji
Chie Wakase
Nami Matsukawa
Naomi Hagio
Ryōko Watanabe
Honami Watanabe
Maiko Kazama
Yuki Fujii
Reiko Matsubara
Madoka Minazuki
Kyôko Sagami
Ryūba Dokyōtei
Shigeru Tadami
Yuko Nakagawa
Bafû Reireisha
Katsuyoshi Matsuoka
Kazuo Satake
Jun'ichi Hasebe
Kenji Shimamura
Ippei Tokuda
Osamu Tsuruoka
Gentarô Iwase

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