Action Adventure Thriller
Five girls from the city go on a rural getaway surrounded by lush jungles and beautiful beaches. But there's trouble in paradise when an excursion into the forest leads the five girls into a dangerous encounter with local criminals, who are endangering the surrounding ancient cultural relics. However, these aren't docile city girls who cower to danger; these vicious vixens decide to take action.
Directed by
Fu Huayang
Written by
Sharon Hui, Xu Shalang, Fu Huayang
Andy On
Yu Nan
Bai Xue
Xing Yu
Collin Chou
Wang Laoying
Jane Wu
Ryu Kohata
Black Dragon
Renata Tan
Female assassin
Wang Qiuzi
Mavis Pan
Wang Danyi Li
Princess Haer
Wu Jingyi
Shi Fanxi
Aliao, the Tiger Tribe warrior

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