Romance Comedy
A young couple, soon to wed, begin building their dreamhouse, but their interfering relatives cause no end of trouble. Comedy.
Directed by
William A. Seiter
George Chandler
Richard Alexander
Undetermined Role
Erville Alderson
J. W. Simpson - Construction Worker
Clifford Dempsey
Michael J. Cook
Hallam Cooley
Frank Andrews
Florence Roberts
Mrs. Cook
Roscoe Ates
Mr. Wilson
Dorothy Lee
Alice Cook
Dorothea Wolbert
Aunt Emma Cook
Bert Wheeler
Albert Bennett
Robert McWade
Uncle George
Ruth Weston
Minnie Spring
Sharon Lynn
William Scott
Undetermined Role
Barney Furey
Undetermined Role
Lewis Sargent
Undetermined Role
Kathrin Clare Ward
Aunt Louise Cook
Ethan Allen
Undetermined Role
Dorothy Andre
Alice's Sister
Tex Higginson
Undetermined Role
Alfred P. James
Undetermined Role
Alice Jans
Alice's Sister
Bob Lafferty
Undetermined Role
Georgia O'Dell
Undetermined Role
Billy Watson
Cousin Jimmy Cook
Harry Watson
Cousin Harry Cook
Thelma Woodruff
Undetermined Role

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