Horror Thriller
After the mysterious death of his Aunt, a confirmed skeptic lawyer, Bryan Becket, dismisses reports that her house is haunted and moves in. Immediately occurrences begin he cannot explain. And beyond the occurrences there is something about the house which gnaws at Becket - some strange connection he senses he has with the house's past. Soon, the haunting turns personal.
Directed by
Tennyson Bardwell
Written by
Tennyson Bardwell
Zoe Saldaña
Tom Arnold
Bruce Altman
Dr. Koven
Andrea Roth
Robin Becket
Edward Herrmann
Tim Daly
Bryan Becket
Robert Prosky
Father Wymond
Christina Rouner
Courtroom Witness
Lea Coco
Deputy Lura
L.J. Foley
Young Bryan Becket
Catherine Wyler
James DiSalvatore
Steve Fletcher
Courtroom Lawyer

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