Comedy Drama Romance Music Family
Con man "Professor" Harold Hill arrives in River City, Iowa, promising that he can teach the small town's children how to play in a magnificent marching band. It's all part of a big swindle, but falling in love with the town librarian wasn't part of the deal.
Directed by
Jeff Bleckner
Cameron Monaghan
Winthrop Paroo
Victor Garber
Mayor Shinn
Matthew Broderick
Professor Harold Hill
Kristin Chenoweth
Marian Paroo
Molly Shannon
Eulalie Mackechnie Shinn
Debra Monk
Mrs. Paroo
David Aaron Baker
Marcellus Washburn
Boyd Banks
Train Conductor
Sharron Matthews
Pick-a-Little Lady #6
Sarah Cleveland
Molly Howe
Little Lina

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