Drama Comedy TV Movie
Based on the book "Spend, Spend, Spend" by Vivian Nicholson and Stephen Smith. Story of pools winner, Vivian Nicholson.
Directed by
John Goldschmidt
Written by
Jack Rosenthal
Jane Lowe
Public Relations Woman
Liz Smith
Keith's Granny
Andy Bradford
2nd Reporter
Annie Hulley
Gordon Wharmby
2nd Policeman
John Lyons
Public Relations Man
Susan Littler
Viv Nicholson
John Duttine
Keith Nicholson
Helene Palmer
Viv's Mum
Joe Belcher
Viv's Father
Stephen Bill
Philip Joseph
Peter Mayock
1st Reporter
Jack Platts
Taxi Driver
Fred Gaunt
Joan Peters
1st Woman
Joyce Kennedy
2nd Woman
Peter Russell
1st Policeman
Bert Oxley
Robin Boncey
Man from the Pools

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