Comedy Drama Horror Thriller
Nozomi and Lana share an apartment in Tokyo. They have both auditioned for the same role in a movie, and know that the shortlist has been cut down to just the two of them. As they wait the night before finding out who will get the role, their personality clashes erupt into an all-out battle.
Directed by
Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Written by
Uiko Miura, Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Eiko Koike
Maho Nonami
Kōko Mori
Villager (voice)
Daisuke Kizaki
Wife in Bathtub
Maki Tsujimura
Young Mother
Runa Tsukishima
Young Nozomi
Hitomi Okegawa
Nozomi's Mother (voice)
Yoriko Kamimura
Housewife (voice)
Marie Omura
Housewife (voice)
Kota Mizumori
Villager (voice)
Atsuko Ono
Villager (voice)
Tamotsu Kushima
Man (voice)

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