Drama TV Movie
1814. Van Diemen’s Land, the notorious British penal colony, has dissolved into chaos. Outlaws roaming the wilderness have pushed the colonial government to breaking point. Driven by a deep sense of loyalty and an unquenchable hatred towards those he once served, English convict Michael Howe and a young aboriginal girl turn a desperate band of convicts, deserters and bushmen into a fearsome guerrilla army and lead them in open rebellion against the brutal, corrupt establishment. As the British hunt the outlaws, Howe remains an elusive prize. In desperation, the Governor makes the capture of Howe’s pregnant girl his priority. 

An epic story of love and betrayal, The Outlaw Michael Howe chronicles the astonishing true story of the man who pushed Australia to the brink of civil war.
Directed by
Brendan Cowell
Written by
Brendan Cowell
Damon Herriman
Michael Howe
Nicholas Cassim
Lieutenant Governor William Sorell
Benedict Hardie
Peter Septon
Darren Gilshenan
Lieutenant Governor Tom Davey
Matt Day
Magistrate Robert Knopwood
Pip Miller
Magistrate Humphrey
Mirrah Foulkes
Maria Lord
Rarriwuy Hick
Patrick Connolly
Amanda Bishop
Brendan Cowell
Kevin MacIsaac
John Whitehead
Charlie Garber
Edward Lord
Nick Falk
Captain Bill Nairn
Iain Lang
Barry Batchelor
Connor Carthy
Sebastian Dickins
Steve Morris

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