Drama Romance
Manuel leaves town leaving Soledad in deep sadness. After several years of absence, the young man returns to find Soledad married to Antonio. However, the woman continues to be in love with him and both are determined to consummate their love.
Directed by
Julio Bracho
Written by
Elena Garro, Julio Bracho
Jorge Negrete
Manuel y Rodrigo Venegas
Ernesto Alonso
Narciso Busquets
Manuel Venegas - niño
José Baviera
Dr. Trajano
Andrés Soler
Gloria Marín
Miguel Ángel Ferriz Sr.
Antonio Arregui
Sara García
doña Josefa
Domingo Soler
padre Trinidad
Julio Villarreal
Don Elías
Joaquín Coss
Cofrade Mayor
Eugenia Galindo
Lupita Torrentera
Soledad, niña

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