Comedy Romance
Scent of Rain: A Love Story Really! A delightfully funny and entertaining evening of theater, Scent of Rain is a comic fantasy set in rural America during simpler times in the family we all wish we could have had. This hilarious, compelling and ultimately touching story begins with the dying father of an all-male family who wants to know his sons are happily married before he passes on. The two older straight boys are engaged to twin sisters, but their younger brother is "special" and his father is concerned that he'll go through life alone, unless they can find him a husband. With assistance and support from hired hand Bill Tom, played by Ryan Idol, their comical attempts produce the gay version of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." Only this time, it's just "one husband for one brother."
Directed by
Patrick Trettenero
Ryan Idol
Bill Tom
Nicholas Conlon
Danne Taylor
Pa Grettle (Johnathan's Father)
David Divita
Johnny Urbon
Neil Tadken
unsuitable beaux

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