Drama Romance
In a village circa the British rule in India, lives a young school-going male named Amal, who is shortly to get married to a girl named Rajni. The traditional ritual-filled marriage takes place, the young couple are then left alone for a few days, and this is where the two develop their love and friendship. Then Rajni must return to her parents' house, while Amal continues with his studies in school, and at home with Masterji, an elderly teacher. His life is enlivened occasionally when Rajni is permitted to visit. Rajni next visit is scheduled for Durga Pooja, but she does not come, instead she comes at Vijay Dashami, to stay there for a couple nights, before going on a Tirth Yatra with her family, where they are scheduled to visit all the holy places in India namely, Benaras, Gaya, Mathura, Vrindavan, Hardwar, Nasik, Hrishikesh, Dwarka, Rameshwaram, Kamakshya, Puri, and Konarak.
Directed by
Tarun Majumdar
Amitabh Bachchan
Adult Amal (voice)
Ashok Kumar
Aged Amal (voice)
Zeenat Aman
Adult Rajni (voice)
Asit Sen
Sachin Pilgaonkar
Govardhan Asrani
Om Shivpuri
Amal's dad
Urmila Bhatt
Amal's mom
Kanwarjeet Paintal
Prema Narayan
A.K. Hangal
Master ji
Rajni Sharma
Preeti Ganguli
S.N. Banerjee
School teacher

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