Drama Fantasy
CREMASTER 3 (2002) is set in New York City and narrates the construction of the Chrysler Building, which is in itself a character - host to inner, antagonistic forces at play for access to the process of (spiritual) transcendence. These factions find form in the struggle between Hiram Abiff or the Architect ...
Directed by
Matthew Barney
Written by
Matthew Barney
Roger Miret
Lead Singer - Agnostic Front
Aimee Mullins
The Entered Novitiate / Oonagh MacCumhail
Peter Donald Badalamenti II
Fionn MacCumhail
Nesrin Karanouh
Gary Gilmore
The Mighty Biggs
Terry Gillespie
Cloud Club Barman
James Drescher
Lead Singer - Murphy's Law

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