Romance Adventure
After their caravan is attacked and their respective families butchered by Arab marauders, teenagers David and Sarah flee across the desert. But the desert is filled with danger from the elements, animals and the unwholesome appetite of the Jackal, a sheik who wants Sarah for himself. However, the desert also holds temptation and love. David and Sarah hide out in an oasis and build a life for themselves, discovering each other in new ways.
Directed by
Stuart Gillard
Written by
Stuart Gillard
Phoebe Cates
Willie Aames
Richard Curnock
Shoshana Duer
Bedouin Woman
Aviva Marks
Yosef Shiloach
Tuvia Tavi
The Jackal
Jerry Rosen
Jackal's Bodyguard
Riki Halfon
Belly Dancer
Neil Vipond

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