Animation Drama History
In the aftermath of the most devastating conflict mankind had ever experienced, the tiny island of Shikotan became part of the Sakhalin Oblast... and on the unhealed border in this remote corner of the world, friendship among children from two different countries timidly blossomed, striving to overcome language barriers and the waves of history. Inspired by true events.
Directed by
Mizuho Nishikubo
Yukie Nakama
Sawako (voice)
Tatsuya Nakadai
Older Junpei Senou (voice)
Masachika Ichimura
Tatsuo Senou (voice)
Saburo Kitajima
Genzou Senou (voice)
Hiroshi Inuzuka
Chief (voice)
Kaoru Yachigusa
Older Sawako (voice)
Yusuke Santamaria
Hideo (voice)
Kanako Yanagihara
Micchan (voice)
Kota Yokoyama
Junpei Senou (voice)
Junya Taniai
Kanta Senou (voice)
Polina Ilyushenko
Tanya (voice)

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