Animation Drama Music
Main hero is a singing boat refugee – orange boy Maroc. He dreams about freedom. Lemon girl Lisa collects singing seashells and dreams about love. Lisa’s father is a businessman, owner of a ketchup factory and tomato plantation. He loves money. And so the opera begins: Poor Maroc escapes from his homeland and defying stormy waters take a boat across the sea to the “promised land”. Upon arrival he is forced into being a slave worker in a tomato plantation instead of freedom, democracy, wealth and parties he had hoped for. Despite the initial let down our orange boy is destined to gain happiness – selfish Lisa falls in love with him and sets him free. We see an orange revolution – houses are blown up and tomatoes are made from ketchup, all in the name of democracy! Movie that is full of rebellion and love has happy ending – we will see sour-sweet culmination of lemon girl’s and orange boy’s love.
Directed by
Mait Laas
Written by
Peep Pedmanson, Kati Kovács
Mikk Jürjens
Additional Voices (voice)
Anne Reemann
Additional Voices (voice)
Lembit Peterson
Additional Voices (voice)
Andero Ermel
Guard #2 (voice)
Kati Kovács
Guard #1 (voice)
Peeter Volkonski
Lisa's Father (voice)
Margus Tabor
Additional Voices (voice)
Piret Kalda
Additional Voices (voice)
Lisa Limone (voice)
Omar Nõmm
Maroc Orange (voice)
Risto Joost
Seashell (voice)
Jaan-Eik Tulve
Tomato-Man (voice)
Mihkel Mäekalle
Orly (voice)
Daniele Monticelli
Additional Voices (voice)
Hanna-Leana Taoubi
Additional Voices (voice)

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