Drama Romance
The port city of Bristol, England, in the 1800s is home to Java Head, a sailing ship line company. The owner has two sons. One, a handsome seafarer, is in love with a local girl, but cannot marry her due to a long-running feud between their fathers. After a lengthy voyage, he returns with a very exotic, noble Chinese wife, which scandalizes the conservative town. His other son, a "landlubber", seeks to convert to steamships, to the disgust of his father. Even worse, he is secretly dealing in contraband.
Directed by
J. Walter Ruben, Thorold Dickinson
George Curzon
Edward Dunsack
Ralph Richardson
William Ammidon
John Loder
Gerrit Ammidon
Edmund Gwenn
Jeremy Ammidon
Herbert Lomas
Barzil Dunsack
Anna May Wong
Princess Taou Yuen
Roy Emerton
Frances Carson
Kate Vollar
Elizabeth Allan
Nettie Vollar
John Marriner
John Stone
Grey Blake
Roger Brevard (as Gray Blake)
Amy Brandon Thomas
Rhoda Ammidon

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