Comedy Drama
It's the 60s and a bunch of crazy teenagers meet in the beautiful island of Hawaii during their summer holidays. Although they come from different backgrounds, they hang out together and shake up the island! They surf, dance, drink, fight and fall in love. As the summer approaches its end, they find themselves inseparable, friends for a lifetime...
Directed by
Tommy Lee Wallace
Tia Carrere
Lani Kepoo
Yuji Okumoto
Kenzo Konishi
Sho Kosugi
Yukinaga Konishi
Chris Makepeace
Mike Tognetti
Lorie Griffin
Robert Ito
Ted Tanaka
Andy Bumatai
Kimo Kepoo
Warren Fabro
Kilarney Kauhane
Scott Nakagawa
Scott Tanaka
Ric Mancini
Angelo Tognetti

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