Comedy Romance War
During WWII, an executive and his secretary arrive in Washington, DC on business but, because of the housing shortage, are unable to find hotel rooms. In desperation, they pretend to be married and hire themselves out as a butler and maid in order to secure lodgings. Comedy.
Directed by
Sidney Lanfield
Fred MacMurray
Lee Stevens
Edward Arnold
T.J. Todd
John Hamilton
Paulette Goddard
Jane Rogers
Frank Faylen
Hillary Brooke
Alice Todd
Roland Young
Ira Cromwell
Yvonne De Carlo
Veda Ann Borg
Peggy Fuller
Anne Revere
Maj. Harriet Cromwell
Sig Arno
Clarence Kolb
Glen Ritchie
Porter Hall
Hugo Farenhall
Isabel Randolph
Jane Ritchie

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